2. Compile Source
❶ Unzip Source
1tar xvf T527-android13_v1.0.tar.gz
2cd T527-android13_v1.0/longan
❷ Configure
1./build.sh config
Serial terminal output and options
liuyuan@boardcon:~/opt/T527-android13_v1.0/longan$ ./build.sh config
========ACTION List: mk_config ;========
options :
All available platform:
0. android
1. linux
Choice [android]: 0
All available ic:
0. a523
1. a527
2. t527
Choice [t527]: 2
All available board:
0. boardcon
1. demo
2. demo_battery
3. demo_car
4. demo_fastboot
5. demo_linux_aiot
6. demo_linux_car
Choice [boardcon]: 0
All available flash:
0. default
1. nor
Choice [default]: 0
❸ Compile U-Boot and Kernel
❹ Compile Android and Pack
1cd ../
2source build/envsetup.sh
3lunch t527_boardcon_arm64-userdebug
4make -j8
The Image is generated in directory T527-android13_v1.0/longan/out/