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Boardcon Release RK3588S Raspberry Pi Alternative
2024-11-27Recently, Boardcon has released two single-board computers based on Rockchip's RK3588S and RK3562 processors
Boardcon Launches Octa-core Rockchip RK3576 SBC and SoM
2024-07-05Boardcon has today unveiled an Octa-core Rockchip RK3576 single-board computer and System-on-module with supports up to 12 AHD cameras
Boardcon launches Allwinner T527 Octa-core SBC and SOM
2024-06-05Boardcon has just launched the IdeaT527 SBC and SOM powered by Allwinner T527 and designed for Industrial automation and robotics, Smart displays, Surveillance systems, etc.